Hotel Casa Lopez

Hotel and Restaurant


Single, Double and Family rooms are available, all en-suite with hot water shower.

  1.     International TV

  2.     Room Service

  3.     Cellular Internet Available

  4.     Private Parking

Single, Double and Family Rooms


Bar and Outside Dining

Telephone: (+57) 75863232 Mobile: (+57) 3123226714

Address: Carrera 4, 2-36 Bochalema, Norte De Santander. Colombia

The Restaurant is available for breakfast, lunch and evening meals serving typical Colombian dishes. Groups, business meetings, parties and ceremonies are all welcomed.

There is also a day time Cafe that serves common Colombian soft and alcoholic drinks and snacks.

Outdoor space is available for Restaurant service to make the most of the favourable climate.

Bar service of soft and alcoholic drinks and snacks is also available.